by John Hope Bryant | Jan 18, 2021 | 1MBB, Financial Literacy, HOPE Coalition America, HOPE Global Forum, HOPE Global Initiatives, HOPE Project 5117, John Hope Bryant Authored, Operation HOPE, Uncategorized
It’s been over 50 years since thousands of individuals concerned about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness marched peacefully to the steps of the capitol building in Montgomery, Alabama. On the last day of the rally, Dr. King said to the crowds:...
by ldeas | Dec 1, 2020 | Financial Literacy, HOPE Business-In-A-Box, HOPE Inside, HOPE Inside for Youth, Operation HOPE, Silver Rights, Uncategorized
For many years now we have demonstrated the power of public-private partnerships and how leveraging teamwork gets us further faster. When we put aside our differences and focus on the common goal of creating the common good, we can substantially improve the lives of...
by John Hope Bryant | Nov 16, 2020 | HOPE 700 Credit Score Communities, HOPE Global Forums, HOPE Inside, HOPE Project 5117, John Hope Bryant Authored, Operation HOPE, Silver Rights
A friendship, that evolved into a partnership — that will ‘do good’ at scale, and soon. Last week Operation HOPE, Inc. and I were proud to partner together with Twitter and the Opportunity Funding Network to stand up a $100 Million commitment to...
by ajohnson | Oct 30, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, HOPE 700 Credit Score Communities, HOPE Business-In-A-Box, HOPE Global Forums, HOPE Inside, HOPE Project 5117, Operation HOPE, Silver Rights
I am honored and glad to talk about our new initiative, pioneered by Operation HOPE. We are aiming to help create one million new black businesses over the next ten years. #1MBB If you missed my livestream on Wednesday October 21st, watch the replay and comment now: I...
by ajohnson | Jun 3, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, HOPE Global Initiatives, HOPE Inside, Operation HOPE
As published by the Milken Institute blog and the power of ideas. Click here to see my article. Read and share the message. It is critical. As of May 2020, the African American community stands at the door of a double crisis: First, African Americans make up...
by ajohnson | Apr 27, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, HOPE 700 Credit Score Communities, Media Interview, Operation HOPE
Watch the following video and find hope: Even by controlling the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the unprecedented impact to our economy has been felt by all Americans and continues to contribute to a feeling of despair. Jobless claims have skyrocketed. I was...