Introducing “Delivering the Memo,” a new Facebook episodic series by John Hope Bryant that delivers a provocative exploration of real-world social issues through the lens of economics. Ideally, if your day isn’t about God or love—it’s about money. Bryant’s message around the topics covered, documented in his new book, “ The MEMO – The Book : Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation,” is simple: the supermajority of underserved people in the U.S. and around the world, including the struggling middle class—haven’t received the memo on free enterprise and are ill-equipped to achieve financial independence.
This first episode examines the hidden capitalism at work behind the illegal sex industry—featuring two young women and their stories of struggle and hope. Bryant then opens the door for both ladies to receive the full services of Operation HOPE. By the end of the conversation, they get “the memo” – watch, and you will too.
Please tell your friends to Like, Share and Follow this new Facebook Show Page: John Hope Bryant, Delivering The Memo.
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