Check out CBS Detroit tomorrow. Detroit Uplift 2020 vision is coming to Detroit, Michigan

Tomorrow CBS Detroit will feature some of my thoughts about and around both my vision for Detroit’s renewal, as well as our planned and coming work on the ground in this great American city of promise. We also spoke extensively about my last bestselling book,...
John Hope Bryant taping Michigan Matters tomorrow on CBS Detroit

John Hope Bryant taping Michigan Matters tomorrow on CBS Detroit

Tomorrow I will tape Michigan Matters on CBS Detroit and cover both my vision for America with America 2020 and Project 5117, and my plans to assist in the revitalization of Detroit, from the bottom up.  Detroit has enormous potential, and must of it is...

John Hope Bryant – How The Poor Can Save Capitalism, at the Chautauqua Institution

  Published on Jul 6, 2015 John Hope Bryant the CEO of Operation HOPE, delivered a lecture on financial literacy and “How the Poor Can Save Capitalism.” His organization works to improve under-served communities across the U.S. He is the author of...
Bryant to speak before the Southern California Leadership Council

Bryant to speak before the Southern California Leadership Council

I am looking forward to coming to my birth city of Los Angeles later this week to speak at the Southern California Leadership Council, a group which includes three former Governors of California, inclusive of former Governor Pete Wilson, GovernorGeorge Deukmejian and...
John Hope Bryant lays out his vision for an ‘open-source opportunity’ world at the Chautauqua Institute

John Hope Bryant lays out his vision for an ‘open-source opportunity’ world at the Chautauqua Institute

I was honored to return to Chautauqua Institute this week, speaking in the main amphitheatre, but this time I went much deeper into the message of my latest bestselling book, “How The Poor Can Save Capitalism.” I went deeper into the work  and solutions...

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