Detroit Uplift 2020: Mayor Michael Duggan and Detroit Chamber welcome Operation HOPE into the city

Detroit Uplift 2020: Mayor Michael Duggan and Detroit Chamber welcome Operation HOPE into the city

A special thank you to Detroit Mayor Michael Duggan and Sandy Baruah, CEO of the Detroit Chamber of Commerce, for facilitating an extremely important meeting of Detroit area leaders around our increasing presence in Mayor Duggan’s city of renewal —...
“How the Poor Can Save Capitalism” by John Hope Bryant is Now Released in Paperback

“How the Poor Can Save Capitalism” by John Hope Bryant is Now Released in Paperback

  I am super excited to announce that my publisher, Berrett-Koehler Publishing, has decided to issue my bestselling book “How The Poor Can Save Capitalism: Rebuilding the Path to the Middle Class. The Solution for the 100%,” in paperback this month! My...
Bryant speaks at the Clinton School of Public Service, Little Rock, Arkansas

Bryant speaks at the Clinton School of Public Service, Little Rock, Arkansas

  I was honored to be asked to speak on my new bestselling book, “How The Poor Can Save Capitalism” and our silver rights empowerment work at Operation HOPE, at the Clinton School on Public Service (University of Arkansas), named in honor of my friend...
Project 5117: 260+ Pledges, Committed and Opened Locations

Project 5117: 260+ Pledges, Committed and Opened Locations

People may have not had a clue what I was talking about in November, 2013, when I first unveiled my plans for and around Project 5117.   To some, I am sure I sounded completely crazy, with my vision for a nation of underserved communities empowered. Today, as of this...
American Bankers Associations features HOPE Inside model, and partner Regions Bank

American Bankers Associations features HOPE Inside model, and partner Regions Bank

I keep saying that the new HOPE Inside model from Operation HOPE, and our growing Project 5117 portfolio, is going to fundamentally change banking, and empower communities — and it appears that opinion makers are beginning to take notice. The ABA Banking Journal...
SunTrust Banks presents its vision for HOPE Inside, and ‘lighting the way to financial wellbeing.’

SunTrust Banks presents its vision for HOPE Inside, and ‘lighting the way to financial wellbeing.’

Operation HOPE is honored to partner systemwide with the SunTrust Bank family, around the growing HOPE Inside and HOPE Insider Certified Plus network, part of the Project 5117 portfolio. SunTrust Banks, led by its Chairman and CEO Bill Rogers, is the anchor partner...

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