HOPE Stakeholder Meeting joins volunteers, financial industry professional and educators to discuss the improvement of financial empowerment programs
Atlanta – October 22, 2013 – Operation HOPE (HOPE), the leading global financial dignity nonprofit, announced that it will be convening stakeholders in the community, financial services and government to focus on the enhancement of HOPE programs across the United States. The Stakeholder Meeting, set for November 13 at the HOPE Financial Dignity Center at Ebenezer, is a pre-summit event that will help set the tone for the HOPE Global Financial Dignity Summit on November 14.
“If you are a HOPE Corps volunteer, client, board member, educator, supporter, student or a friend of HOPE, then you are a HOPE stakeholder and should attend this very important meeting and let your voice be heard,” said HOPE’s Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, John Hope Bryant.
The HOPE Stakeholder Meeting will feature four break out sessions focused on HOPE’s main divisions:
- Education and youth economic energy to eradicate poverty and create jobs (Youth Programs). Session chaired by Celie Niehaus, Market Vice President of Corporate Compliance at Capital One and Banking on Our Future Advisory Board Chair.
- Building a stakeholder generation (Adult Programs). Session Chaired by Steve Bartlett, Strategic Policy Advisor at LEVICK and HOPE Inside Advisory Board Chair.
- Empowering the Silver Rights Movement (Volunteerism).
- Rainbows after storms (Disaster Preparedness & Relief). Session chaired by Art Faulkner, Director of the Alabama Emergency Management Agency and HOPE Alabama Board of Directors vice chairman.