Happy New Years World. Introducing 2016

Happy New Years World. Introducing 2016

   I just like that ring — brining in 2016. The clock has not yet formally turned past midnight here on the east coast, but to all of our west coast friends, and those friends and colleagues around the world, where the clock has already turned past...
Introducing the Operation HOPE ‘New Look’

Introducing the Operation HOPE ‘New Look’

As we celebrate our strongest year of aspirational growth ever for our work at Operation HOPE and the silver rights movement, and as we prepare for our Annual Meeting, we release the ‘New Look’ for the Operation HOPE website. It should be cleaner, leaner,...

Our New Civil Rights Issue: Access to Economic Opportunity

All the talk about the country's economy roaring back to its pre-Recession glory overlooks one startling fact: The 1 percent is grabbing the lion's share of our economic growth. A recent report from the Economic Policy Institute disclosed that,...

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