In less than 24 hours after the pre-sale announcement of my latest book, Financial Literacy for All, it has shot up to #1 on Amazon’s Best-Seller books in Economics.

While I’m personally honored that there’s such a great demand for the book before its release, I’m doubly encouraged by the reception our work and leadership in this area are receiving from the community and the enthusiasm everyday people are developing for financial empowerment.

Just yesterday, on my way through the airport, a young lady ran up to me excited, full of joy, and with a story to tell. She told me that she was a client of HOPE’s Credit and Money Management program and that she was on her way to building wealth and her dreams. Without even asking, she confidently stated her first milestone financial goal and that she was scheduled to hit over $1,000 in savings next month!

That kind of enthusiasm for financial dignity is what our country needs right now from the highest levels of government to you and your family’s dinner conversation. It’s the hottest topic in America right now, and I want you to be a part of it.

Pre-order your copy on Amazon today, and then go to to enroll in one of our financial wellness programs!

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