Two things are true about this economy. First, inflation is causing the cost of living to increase, and people are struggling to make ends meet. It’s reported that many Americans, including those making $100,000 or more, are living paycheck-to-paycheck and having to choose which bills to pay on a given day. Second, AmericansĀ aren’t idly sitting by saying, “Woe is me.” They’re eager to find a pathway toward financial wellness and to make an impact in their community.

Leading this charge are Black women, who, statically speaking, sit in both of these economic realities. Although times are tough, I still believe that financial literacy is our guiding light to creating lasting and sustainable economic change.

I discussed this with the great hosts at CNBC’s Squawk Box, where we discussed inflation and its hard-hitting effects on the American people and how many, like the thousands of clients we serve every year, are accessing tools and resources to help them navigate these choppy financial waters.

Check out the interview below, and if you need assistance to help you build a solid financial foundation for 2024, then sign up with a HOPE Inside coach today at

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