If you talk about money and finance long enough, eventually, you’ll hear something that sounds a little like this: “Insurance is a scam! They take my money every month for something that hasn’t even happened and might never happen!”

Well, if you’re a pessimist and always see the glass half-empty, I can understand this. However, let’s look at it from the flip side. Insurance isn’t just another bill. It’s an investment you make to hedge against the predictable unpredictability of life.

If you’ve lived long enough, you know two things are certain. First, eventually, everything breaks down and succumbs to the effects of gradual wear and tear. The other is that accidents inevitably happen. When one or both of these truths come head-to-head with your reality, you begin to understand just how important insurance can be to your future and financial health.

It’s a lot less expensive — both mentally and financially — to have the peace of mind of knowing that in the event of the worst or when you get hit with a surprise bill that it’s not all coming out of your pocket. You were prepared because you made a past investment who’s return you got to see in an undisclosed future.

Nevertheless, for many insurance is another bill on top of an already strained budget. However, I’d be willing to bet that if you worked with an Operation HOPE Financial Wellbeing Coach, you’d find that you have room to not only invest in insurance, but you also have more room to build your emergency savings account in case you ever do need to quickly cover an unexpected cost.

Contact a HOPE Inside coach today to get started.

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