The Bryant Family — Chaitra Dalton Bryant and I, along with our beautiful extended family, led by our Matriarch, Ms. Juanita Smith, sends you deep love, much light, healing, and wishes of the most aspirational success you can imagine for yourself in 2022 and beyond.
Let this new year, become a reset and personal software upgrade on your entire life. Decide, this day, to live your best life.
My reset countdown starts now. What about you?

I pick a Word every year (I have been doing this for two decades now), that symbolizes my hustle, grind and FOCUS for that year.
My Words for 2022 are twofold and complimentary:
1) Stability.
More on both of these words later, when I unpack their meaning in my life even more.
Okay, let’s go….
John Hope Bryant, Entrepreneur.