Today begins an exciting 3-day journey of exploration and conversation focused on the day’s most important topics surrounding financial literacy and empowerment. This is the nation’s largest event focused on advocacy for the poor and underserved with a commitment to active collaboration in the effort to increase diversity and financial inclusion.

You are part of a global movement that impacts the lives of men, women, and children daily. Beginning today, we anticipate reaching over 1 million like-minded individuals connected together to take this movement to the next level — marking a pivotal moment in our global sense of community, care, and impact concerning financial dignity.
So I ask, will you be “Meeting the Moment”?
If you have not already registered to attend #HGF21 virtually, it’s not too late. Click here to access our quick, easy registration page and RSVP to watch on Facebook for FREE.
For those delegates who have already registered, watch my personal welcome video hereand sign up to host a virtual #HGF21 watch party on your social networking channels.
This is our time. This is our moment. Let’s change the world together.

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