Last week the silver rights movement came to Reading, PA, as Operation HOPE joined new partner Fulton Financial and their bank, Fulton Bank in the unveiling of one of our HOPE Inside locations with them in the state. I was honored to join the CEO and members of senior leadership for the bank and from throughout the Reading community for this important benchmark achievement. The proud moment for me came when a local success story shared her transformation from challenges and distressed, to hopeful and empowerment — and on the very day I was there she was approved to become a new homeowner! This is silver rights in action.
The opening of this location is part of a larger strategic plan to stand up more than 10 HOPE Inside locations in partnership with Fulton Financial and Fulton Bank. Marking early success with the partnership, in the 4th quarter of 2016, Operation HOPE worked with the bank to nurture and have approved and funded millions of dollars for new minority homeownership in Pennsylvania.
For more information on this partnership and work being undertaken in the state of Pennsylvania contact Operation HOPE. The growing HOPE Inside Network is a key strategic component of Operation HOPE’s Project 5117, focused on standing up a national distribution system for youth and adult financial and economic empowerment by year 2020.
Onward and with HOPE,
John Hope Bryant