More than 28M viewers have signed on and signed up to watch the growing silver rights movement of Operation HOPE through the John Hope Bryant Live public figure page on Facebook, and his associated Facebook Live ‘Straight Talk’ video series.
More than 28M views, with a dozen videos over one million views each, and more than 230,000 Page Likes and about that in Followers. This is all up from a dead start in March, 2016, when Bryant and Operation HOPE launched the Page and associated video campaign — inspired by none other than John Hope Bryant friend Roland Martin. Below is the most recent video in the series, recorded just this morning.
Tell your friends, family, co workers and those you care about — to sign up to Follow and Like the Page and to follow the movement. All content in the seres is free, and generally lead activated Followers to begin to take action around taking their lives back with the empowerment programs and services available through Operation HOPE. It’s time for all of us to #GetTheMemo, which is the theme and title for Bryant’s newest book due out in September, 2017. The Memo: 5 Rules For Your Economic Liberation. Pre-order your copy today, and let’s make #TheMemo, #GetTheMemo and #DidYouGetTheMemo some of the top 10 hashtags of 2018.
Let’s go….