Honoring a Living Legend by Caryn I. Anderson | Mar 17, 2016 | Financial Literacy, Global Dignity, HOPE 700 Credit Score Communities, HOPE B- Business Compact, HOPE Coalition America, HOPE Corps, HOPE FILE Program (Fellows & Internships), HOPE Global Forum, HOPE Global Forums, HOPE Global Initiatives, HOPE Inner-City Cyber Cafes, HOPE Inside, HOPE Inside Certified Plus, HOPE Office of Government Relations and Public Policy, HOPE Office of Innovation, Research & Assessment, HOPE Office of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, HOPE Project 5117, HOPE's Banking on Our Future Program, Operation HOPE, Silver Rights, Uncategorized http://johnhopebryant.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/12857387_573276312832564_156238795_n-3.mp4 John Hope Bryant celebrates the life and work of his mentor and dear friend Ambassador Andrew Young—a true living legend!