Pretty amazing, what my friend Professor Pekka Himanen pulled off with this Global Dignity Day event in Finland in 2011, and then the release of this AMAZING ‘Dignity’ song — which features two NOBEL PEACE RECIPIENTS, a former Finish President, and a future King, Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway, all dancing on stage with HipHop artists!
Oh, and yes, there is me there also — DANCING WITH the amazing Archbishop Desmond Tutu!
Check it out. Share it with your Dignity leaders….around the world. Are you inspired yet?
Join the Global Dignity movement here, by making a charitable contribution, or by donating some of your time in a community near you.
Create and organize your own Global Dignity Day 2015 event, on October 21st, 2015, anywhere in the world. 65 countries have signed up thus far! If you do, let Shannon Campbell know you are doing it.
Let’s go…
John Hope Bryant