People often ask me if I am a father. If I have children. I increasingly answer “yes, 2B children.” And I mean it.
These are the children without fathers or proper role models. These are the young people, who may be lost, or worse, without hope, without proper direction.
I applaud those men who take care of their children, who spend time with them, who give them their resources, the cover of safety at home, the proper role modeling. The support they need for their own success. But I often ask myself, what about all those young people around the world — particularly young men — who have not, this sort of support. Often, this sort of support — someone that believes in you — in the game changer and the change maker in their lives. The differentiator, as to whether the child — the young person — succeeds or fails.
My sense of ‘family,’ has been expanded during the time since I have founded Operation HOPE, to include the world in which we live. We are, each other’s keeper. We cannot only be concerned with the state of our own homes, our own blood, though we should no doubt start there. That should be the logical first step of our journey, to help to heal our crazy world. It is the first brick, in the wall built called your personal legacy.
And so, a special thank you to all the fathers out there, who have been excellent fathers to their children. I even applaud those who are not excellent, but who at least show up in their children’s lives. That is a powerful start, and a rich gift to the child.
That said, we need to do — more. I am claiming the 2B children in the world, who have no proper role models, no father-figure to guide them. And I commit to do something about, the state of their affairs, within the limits of my own potential, and resources. But I refuse, to do nothing.
What can you do? My guess is, a great deal.
If you want to help, me for instance, start here. By becoming a HOPE Corps volunteer. You will find that, the more you give, the more you get.
Let’s go…
John Hope Bryant