In my role as founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Operation HOPE, I have had the distinct honor of not only meeting with, but maintaining a substantive relationship with every Federal Reserve Chairman since Chairman Alan Greenspan. Following Chairman Greenspan, was an even stronger and more substantive relationship with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Today I meet with Federal Reserve Chair Janey Yellen, whom I have known since her tenure as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Honored to be associated with the best that America has to offer — and to meet with our nation's first female Federal Reserve Chairperson. More so, to hopefully work closely with her and her senior team to advance America, and to help bridge income and wealth inequality in this country.
We will brief Chair Yellen on amongst other things, Project 5117, inclusive of HOPE Inside (operating within bank branches), HOPE Business In A Box Academies, and our mission to deliver "TheMemo to a new generation of Americans with and through our new bestselling book, "How The Poor Can Save Capitalism."
We will also introduce our recently announced HOPE Doctrine on Poverty, featured in the 5-minute movie below. Together, we can make a difference.
Let's go…