The Operation HOPE family is honored and pleased to welcome Mrs. Latresa McLawhorn-Ryan, Esq., as the new Operation HOPE Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Development.  Latresa will serve as a "foundational builder" of sorts in and around our Operation HOPE Development Group, and has a history of impressive personal and professional achievement behind her.  Amongst other accomplishments, Latresa started and ran her own small business (legal and trust activities) in Washington, D.C. and later Atlanta, Georgia, where she now resides (with her husband Andrew Ryan).

Latresa was also a longstanding HOPE Corps volunteer for Operation HOPE, passionate about financial literacy, financial dignity and silver rights empowerment for all.  Taking her public service seriously, Latresa traveled to South Africa on vacation and even made time to stop into Operation HOPE, South Africa, where she volunteered for us there as well.  

Latresa is a living and breathing example of someone committed to "doing well and doing good too," and we are fortunate and pleased to have her gifts, talents, passion and enthusiasm on our team.   Making her right at home here in Atlanta, Latresa is also a Spelman College graduate. Her legal degree comes from the University of North Carolina School of Law.

Welcome Mrs. Latresa McLawhorn-Ryan, Esq.



John Hope Bryant is a thought leader, founder, chairman and CEO of Operation HOPE and Bryant Group Companies, Inc. Magazine/CEO READ bestselling business author of LOVE LEADERSHIP: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World (Jossey-Bass) the only African-American bestselling business author in America, and is chairman of the Subcommittee for the Under-Served and Community Empowerment for the U.S. President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability, for President Barack Obama.  Mr. Bryant is the co-founder of the Gallup-HOPE Index, the only national research poll on youth financial dignity and youth economic energy in the U.S. He is also a co-founder of Global Dignity with HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Professor Pekka Himanen of Finland. Global Dignity is affiliated with the Forum of Young Global Leaders and the World Economic Forum. 



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