• P1050757
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For the first time, we celebrated the Global Dignity Day in Afghanistan. The GD country chair went to a school in a suburb of the capital Kabul where he talked to a group of students and their teachers about GDD and its aims. Both the students and teachers in the school liked the idea and made contributions by talking about the dignity theme and narrating their personal stories and experiences.

Three students volunteered to come to the front of the classroom and tell their stories about dignity, what it meant to them and how they helped others to increase their dignity and the dignity of others. One of the students narrated his story by saying that how he helped an injured man without knowing him. Another said he fed a stranger.

The class teacher also narrated a couple of stories while explaining the importance of helping others and being nice to eachother.

Both the students and teachers promised that while keeping the GDD message in mind, they will celebrate the day every year.


Global Dignity was co-founded by HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, Professor Pekka Himanen of Finland, and John Hope Bryant, founder of Operation HOPE of the United States. Global Dignity is affiliated with the Forum of Young Global Leaders and the World Economic Forum. 



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