The first annual Operation HOPE, John Hope Bryant 4th of July Picnic in Bryant Park was a great success and an amazing time for all who attended. A number of young people not only had a lot of family fun playing in Bryant Park, but several of them also received their very own and first ever bank account, as Operation HOPE awarded several HOPE $25 Starter Savings Accounts as gifts to the first youth who signed up for an on-site Banking on Our Future financial literacy course, which was taught on the 4th by our very own James Bailey of the Operation HOPE, Atlanta team. One of the youth recipients is pictured above.
We were also honored to host 35 youth who will soon be attending Morehouse College as "new Morehouse Men" in the incoming freshman year. They got a real kick out of meeting several living legends, and thereafter receiving a history lesson from both Ambassador Andrew Young, senior aide to the late Dr. King, as well as Dr. King's son, Martin Luther King, III, now CEO of the King Center.
Also present amongst the more than 150 guests on the 4th of July were Mrs. Carolyn Young and Ambassador Andrew Young, as well as many from the Young family, Elder Bernice King and Mr. and Mrs.Martin L. King, III, Ms. Christine King-Farris, sister to the late Dr. King, actor and comedian Chris Tucker, my mother, "the Diva" Juanita Smith (smile), Reverend Dr. Raphael Warnock, 5th pastor of the historic Ebenezer Church, and many, many others.
You can enjoy a complete photo walk through the festivities from the 4th by reviewing the new 4th of July in Bryant Park Photo Album here. Enjoy!
Remember, one person can make a difference. Be that one person!
Special photo credit for all photos go to my friend and professional photographer, Guy Green.
With HOPE,
John Hope Bryant