A Reason for the Season

Thanksgiving, amongst other things, is a time to say I love you, I appreciate you, …and thank you, to all those who have meaning in your life, or who have helped you in any way. Many of us get so wrapped up into what we are doing, or our so called problems of...

Simply Because…

He is the man! I took this picture as I was on my way to hang out with the great Ambassador Andrew Young recently in Atlanta, Georgia, and "just happen" to be driving down his boulevard. Not a street mind you, which would have been impressive...

Quote of the Day

"French job applicants with French sounding names were more than 5 times more likely to be invited to a job interview than an applicant with the same qualifications but with a North African sounding name." Scholar at the Sorbonne

Katrina Reflections

Sometimes words are enough. This thoughtful photo was taken by Stacy Sanchez, a member of my senior management team at Operation HOPE, during a recent tour she took of the disaster area in New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina. Thanks for sharing Stacy! Like I said,...

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