Today we remember the life of a martyr whose murder sparked a worldwide protest and renewed movement for racial equity in America. George Floyd didn’t ask to become the face and rallying cry for social justice around the world, but his voice still calls to us to continuously move towards progress and change, even from beyond the grave.
In the course of the last year, corporations have pledged millions of dollars to help combat the generational effects of racism, segregation, and white supremacy, which have plagued our nation for centuries. But the question remains — is this enough?
It took us a long time for our nation to embed systemic racism into the fabric of our nation and into the hearts and minds of citizens. Conversely, it will take a long time for us to uproot it and eradicate it. Nevertheless, the outpouring of support from corporate America is a good start to a decades- and generations-long effort to create equity and parity from Black Americans. The private sector has helped push societal progress in the past. I believe it has and will again today.
We are now in a Third Reconstruction and it is prime time for us to focus our collective efforts on long-term, sustainable solutions that focus on the racial and economic equity that we have lacked as a nation for far too long. George Floyd’s story begins and ends with the effects of lack of opportunity and lack of financial empowerment. Sadly, he is not the only casualty of our national moral failure. Millions of Americans, Black and otherwise, suffer from these same barriers which oftentimes withholds them from achieving and enjoying the American Dream.
As we pause today to reflect on the life and memory of Mr. George Floyd, we continue to mourn with his friends, family, and those who knew him. Yet, we are resolved to work all the more to prevent tragedies and injustices happening like this again by focusing our efforts on economic uplift through financial literacy for all.
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