We are extremely excited about our new HOPE FILE Program, which includes HOPE Fellows, HOPE Interns and HO{PE Loaned Executives.  

HOPE Fellows are graduate students who in most cases will earn college credit (once confirmed with their college or university), in all cases will earn a monthly stipend from HOPE or our partners and sponsors, and most importantly, will LEAD a dedicated HOPE Program, impacting real lives, in very real ways.  A HOPE Fellow, like Chris Huff, will be able to say when they graduate from school that they have had real, practical experience on the ground; managing staff and budget, working with clients and communities, and impacting change for a generation.  

HOPE Interns will receive college credit and will work directly with HOPE Leaders and HOPE Fellows, inspiring change.  HOPE Loaned Executives is what it sounds like — a dedicated group of individuals who have retired, are nearing retirement, or who are otherwise between corporate assignments and want to lend their talent to make the world better.   Join the silver rights movement, today!

Operation HOPE Fellowship and Internship Program.

For more information on the HOPE FILE Program, contact Elaine Fischer.

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