While visiting Uganda late in 2010, speaking at the Uganda Financial Literacy Week, I had the opportunity and pleasure to visit an orphanage there.  The young people there, as well as their loving caregivers, defined my saying "there is a difference between being broke and being poor.  Being broke is a temporary economic condition, while being poor is a disabling frame of mind, and a depressed condition of one's spirit, and we must vow to never, ever be poor again…"  These young people "may" be broke, for the moment, but they are certainly not poor in spirit.  Just look at the signs that popular almost every yard within the multi-acre property.  The message is clear — you are someone, and you must claim that "somebodyness" every single day of your life.  

This visit only underscored to me how critically important it is to built a culture within a society, community, home….human being.

Onward with HOPE

John Hope Bryant, founder, Operation HOPE


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