by anembhard | Nov 19, 2018 | Events & Appearances, Financial Literacy, Operation HOPE
Tonight is the special screening in Memphis of “Andrew Young Presents: The Color of Money”, which highlights Operation HOPE and our partner organizations. This event is now SOLD OUT. Looking forward to taking part in the conversation during a fireside chat at the...
by anembhard | Nov 7, 2018 | Events & Appearances, Financial Literacy, Operation HOPE
Operation HOPE partners, First Tennessee and SunTrust Banks are set to host a special screening of a documentary by civil rights activist, and my mentor, Andrew Young. “Andrew Young Presents: The Color of Money” honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s dream of financial...
by anembhard | Nov 5, 2018 | Events & Appearances, Media Interview, Operation HOPE
It was a pleasure attending the New York Times 2018 DealBook Conference in New York City last week. It was also an honor to be recognized as a “Groundbreaker” for our on the ground work at Operation HOPE, around the necessary agenda of financial inclusion...