by John Hope Bryant | Jul 23, 2015 | Global Dignity, HOPE Global Initiatives
More Global Dignity City Chairs to come, but here is a founding group from Global Dignity! A special thank you, to them. Our City Chairs organize and coordinate Global Dignity activities in their territories. Daria Arkhincheeva Roman Chukov Ekaterina Ranevskaya Maria...
by John Hope Bryant | Jul 23, 2015 | Global Dignity, HOPE Global Initiatives
Introducing the Honorary Board for the Global Dignity initiative. Ambassador Andrew Young Professor Amartya Kumar Sen Sir Richard Branson Desmond Tutu President Martti Ahtisaari
by John Hope Bryant | Jul 23, 2015 | Global Dignity, HOPE Global Initiatives
Andres Simon Gonzalez-Silen Pasha Bakhtiar Shauneen Lambe Ashish Thakkar Murat Sarayli Jennifer Raffoul Susan Mashibe Christian Wenk Asanga Abeyagoonasekera Juan J. Nieto Phuti Mahanyele Penny Low Yan Yanovskiy Codrut Pascu Jacek Olechowski Benedict Carandang Amir...
by John Hope Bryant | Jul 23, 2015 | Global Dignity, HOPE Global Initiatives
We are very excited to share with you the new Global Dignity website. Check it out here! Liv Annette from Oslo did a fantastic job and put a ton of time and effort into this. Fabulous job Liv Annette! Also huge kudos to John Osborn (“Ozzy”) and...
by John Hope Bryant | Mar 12, 2015 | Global Dignity, John Hope Bryant Authored
Two wrongs, do not make a right. There are many, many things wrong in Ferguson, MO, but shooting police officers because we are frustrated with the 'system,' is just plain wrong. Ferguson, MO, as I have said before, is personal to me. Ferguson is not a place...
by | Feb 23, 2015 | Global Dignity, HOPE Business-In-A-Box, HOW THE POOR CAN SAVE CAPITALISM Book
What do young people in low-income neighborhoods envision for themselves when think about their futures? Becoming doctors? Lawyers? Businessmen? Politicians? Not likely. We humans tend to model the behavior we see around us. If the only symbols of success we see in...