Today, in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Despite it becoming one of the most revered speeches in American history, it remains much more than a snapshot of history that draws inspiration. It’s a constant reminder of our shared goal and mission as a nation and a perpetual call toward action to make the dream realized.

We are reminded that his vision was not just about racial equality but about economic justice and shared prosperity. Dr. King spoke of a “promissory note” that all Americans were to inherit—a promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, this promise has often been unfulfilled for many, particularly African Americans and other historically disenfranchised groups.

At Operation HOPE, we are committed to ensuring that this promissory note is honored for all through our mission of financial literacy for all. Dr. King understood that true freedom is more than just the absence of oppression; it also includes the presence of opportunity. Economic justice was central to his vision, and today, we continue this work by providing individuals and families with the financial education and resources needed to achieve economic independence and empowerment.

My dear friend and mentor, Ambassador Andrew Young, often reminds me of Dr. King’s dream of an America where prosperity is shared, and everyone has a stake in the nation’s success. I, too, share this dream, and it’s fueled my life’s work. This vision drives our mission at Operation HOPE, where we work to make the American Dream accessible to everyone—regardless of background.

Since our founding, Operation HOPE has empowered over 4 million individuals, helped create or retain more than 40,000 small businesses, and supported communities in building nearly $3.2 billion in new homeowner equity. These achievements not only bring Dr. King’s dream closer to reality but also instill hope and optimism in all who believe in America’s promise.

Our work is about more than just numbers—it’s about people. It’s about inspiring and empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures through financial literacy for all and creating opportunities that benefit their communities.

Operation HOPE and SBA Forge Strategic Alliance to Empower Small Businesses Across America.

As we commemorate Dr. King’s speech, let us recognize that his dream was a call to action—a call to build a future where economic justice is a reality for all. With HOPE in action, we are working to ensure that the American Dream is not just an aspiration, but an achievable reality for everyone. We invite you to join us in this mission for shared prosperity. Visit us at to learn more.

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