by | Dec 16, 2015 | Financial Literacy, HOPE 700 Credit Score Communities, HOPE Office of Government Relations and Public Policy, HOPE Project 5117, HOW THE POOR CAN SAVE CAPITALISM Book, Operation HOPE, Silver Rights
Secretary Lew,
100 Black Men of America, Inc. supports and commends you and the U.S. Department of Treasury for recognizing how important the Freedman’s Bank was to our nation’s history. The Freedman’s Bank was a symbol of hope to newly freed slaves and renaming the Treasury Annex to the Freedman’s Bank Building can once again serve as a symbol of hope for Americans in underserved communities across the country. Your actions are consistent with The 100’s commitment to its Mentoring, Education and Economic Empowerment pillars and is a reminder to all that we must continue our efforts to attain greater financial inclusion for all Americans.