“My life journey is wholly dedicated to the software of human development.  

Whether it is my silver rights financial and economic empowerment work through the nonprofit I founded, Operation HOPE and it Project 5117, or our work with human dignity through the nonprofit I co-founded, Global Dignity, the inspiration available through Bryant Speaks, the thought leadership available through my writing and books, or the private initiatives of Bryant Group Companies, this is my life mission.  

Supporting, nurturing and advancing the next big boom in global human, social, emotional, spiritual and economic growth — and the baseline for the next huge GDP surge point in the world — the software of human development.”



John Hope Bryant is the founder, chairman and CEO of Operation HOPE and Bryant Group Companies, Inc. Magazine/CEO READ bestselling business author of LOVE LEADERSHIP: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World (Jossey-Bass), and is the only 2010-2012 bestselling business author in America who is also African-American. His newest book, due out May, 2014, is HOW THE POOR CAN SAVE CAPITALISM, and will be published byBerrett Koehler Publishing).

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