Bryant_LoveLeadership3D 5.0 out of 5 stars Welcome Medicine for an Ailing World, September 3, 2009
By  A. D. Bruce (Los Angeles, CA USA) – See all my reviews

Kudos to John Hope Bryant for writing "Love Leadership" – The New Way To Lead In A Fear Based World! This timely book is a clarion call for accountability and responsibility … Personal, corporate and governmental. With a perspective hewn from the rough and tumble of an inner city upbringing, Bryant has gone on to spread his message of financial literacy and leadership through love and respect around the world at a time when this approach is needed now more than ever. This is obviously a book that should be required reading for young people but there isn't a person alive who cannot learn from the accumulated wisdom passionately presented on these pages.
A. Damian Bruce
Los Angeles

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