Commitment Will Help Low-Wealth Youth Learn about Banking, Money, and Become Financially Literate
LOS ANGELES–(February 22, 2007)–Reflecting its commitment to strengthening communities, JPMorgan Chase announced today that its employees will volunteer over the next four years to support Operation HOPE’s program to help youth understand the basics of banking. The Banking on Our Future program supports HOPE’s silver rights mission of empowerment and economic opportunity.
“We applaud JPMorgan Chase’s commitment for volunteers who will better enable Banking on Our Future to deliver their valuable money management and empowerment training to youth and are proud to be associated with an institution of integrity such as JPMorgan Chase,” said John Hope Bryant, CEO and founder of Operation HOPE. HOPE’s continued efforts in the Silver Rights Movement for empowerment and access to resources and financial literacy for the underserved, is advanced by our partners and sponsors who are doing well by doing good.
“The JPMorgan Chase Foundation focuses on helping individuals, live, learn and thrive so we share Operation HOPE’s goals of building economic and educational opportunity, particularly in underserved communities,” said Kim Davis, foundation president. “We see Banking on Our Future as an important initiative toward reaching those goals.” In 2006, JPMorgan Chase invested more than $80 billion in community-development projects and loans for housing and economic development and more than $100 million in grants to non-profits around the world. The investments reflect the company’s $800 billion, 10 year community commitment.
In addition, the company helped connect tens of thousands of employees with volunteer opportunities in their communities. Two JPMorgan Chase executives, Mark Willis and Byron Reed, serve on HOPE regional boards.
Banking on Our Future is Operation HOPE’s four-tiered financial education curriculum for youth in underserved communities. The program is a winner of the Oprah’s Angel Network Award and the U.S. Treasury Department’s John Sherman Award for Financial Literacy Excellence. This year BOOF is celebrating its 10th year in existence. Since 1996 the program has educated more than 210,000 youth nationwide.
Operation HOPE’s movement to expand economic opportunity in underserved communities through “silver rights” is focused on freeing and enriching people’s spirit, as much as it is growing net worth and advancing economic standing.