No, this is not a photo of me (smile). Actually, this is a photo of George W. Bush, playing cowboy in the Fall if 1949. What may surprise everyone is the “where.”

This is the future President playing in…Compton, CA. That’s right. Former President George W. Bush lived in Compton, California. The same Compton, California that borders Watts, California and South Central Los Angeles. This means that his father lived there too, as this was around the time his father served in the military and Compton, and other surrounding cities served as a “feeder” city to Long Beach, where the military base is located.

And so, whether you agree with their politics or not aside, this means that Compton, California is probably the only “inner-city” home to not one, but two former U.S. Presidents. I know, where do I come up with this stuff, you are asking (smile).

By the way, I am from Compton, California. Proudly, so.

John Hope Bryant is a thought leader, the founder, chairman and CEO of Operation HOPE and Bryant Group Companies, Inc., author of Inc. Magazine/CEO READ bestselling business book LOVE LEADERSHIP: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World (Jossey-Bass), and a Member of the U.S. President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability.

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